Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back to school...

Going back to school is always tough, fresh off the warmth of summer and no obligations. Ever since I have been in Salamanca, I've had no need to wake up before noon, so I naturally slept as long as possible every morning. However, I'm back in the swing of things, getting up at 930 and performing the morning routine before I go strain my brain (in a good way). I had my first classes Monday, which my group of friends called "Día sin Inglés", to ensure we were prepared to sit in lectures and have full-on discussions in pure Castellano. I was very nervous, but as it turns out the first day of class for Spaniards is extremely laid back and hardly anybody shows up. Most students aren't even back in Salamanca yet since they aren't used to starting school so early. In about three weeks, my professor said, our classes will about double in size.

I really enjoyed my first days of classes so far and found them all to be a perfect balance between challenging and exciting. Moreover, all of my professors seem to be willing to help the foreign students. I may be changing my class about Spanish cinema, not because the content is try, but because the professor mumbles and talks extremely soft. When trying to take college-level notes in a foreign language, having a professor who you can barely hear makes succeeding in this class very unlikely. I'll weigh my options and get back to you all on this groundbreaking decision :)

With the start of classes come more fiestas, celebrations, and something I am quite new to: intitiating new members in the residencias. Residencias are like dorms but without RA's and roommates. They are special residencias that students can live in that resemble the Greek system in the United States. However, since there are no affiliation with a national chapter and as long as it's safe, the "veteranos' dress up the "novatos" in ridiculous outfits, makeup everywhere, and parade their new members around the city. I watched for almost two hours while girls were running around chanting and guys were raving in the plaza mayor in dresses.

Sounds like a good time to me! Although, not so much for the novatos...I've already paid my debt as I was once a new member. In two weeks, the rest of the ISA group will arrive. Maybe we'll give them their own initiation ceremony for their welcome to Salamanca! ;)


1 comment:

  1. Wow, 9:30 is early, eh? Sounds plum to me. :)
